The King Family Thanksgiving Day Strawberry Mold


Gayle King shares her family’s Thanksgiving Day Strawberry JELL-O mold recipe on episode two of Your Mama’s Kitchen Podcast. Gayle vividly remembers this dish and way the cranberry sauce would make a loud “THWOK” as it escaped the can and sloshed into the hot, fruity JELL-O mixture. If you don’t happen to have a proper JELL-O mold, a Bundt pan or round Pyrex dish will do. T

Tuck this recipe away for the holidays and serve up some fun!

Prep (5 minutes)
cook time (10 minutes)
Overall Time (2-4 hours*)

*The JELL-O needs to set in the refrigerator.

Serving Size (6-8)
  • 1 16 oz bag of frozen strawberries

  • 1 6 oz box of strawberry JELL-O

  • 1 14 oz can jellied cranberry sauce 

  • 1-2 Red Apples sliced or cubed

  • 1 can crush pineapple (optional)

Dietary Requirements
  • NA

The Steps
  1. Boil 2 cups of water and stir in JELL-O mix until dissolved

  2. Add the cranberry sauce

  3. Add the strawberries

  4. Add the apples

  5. Pour into your favorite JELL-O mold and chill for 2-4 hours.

  6. When you are ready to serve place a moist serving platter on top of the open side of the JELL-O mold and flip over. Tap and jiggle before gently removing the JELL-O mold and serve!  It might help to run a bit of hot water over the top of the upside down mold on the serving platter before carefully separating the mold from the JELL-O.


This recipe took me down memory lane because JELL-O was frequent desert in my childhood home and because my Mama’s kitchen had a collection of JELL-O molds that also served as wall decorations. They were copper molds shaped like roses and fish and they were hanging on the wall above the counter where we ate breakfast. I still enjoy JELL-O to this day and chatting with Gayle reminds me that I need to get a good JELL-O mold for my own kitchen.


Southern Style Cabbage